Family Law & Child Custody

Trancorp Lawyers - Family Law & Child Custody

Let our family law
solicitors help you

Looking after your family can be exciting or emotional depending on your situation. Whether you’re planning on getting married and want to protect your assets or are contemplating separation or divorce and need to protect your children, our family law solicitors can help you with
compassion and understanding.

Separation and divorce

Deciding to separate or divorce is a very difficult decision. Once the emotional decision is made there are many practical and financial decisions that also need to be made including how to divide your property and whether maintenance will be paid by one partner. While family law guides this process the result can be different depending on your personal situation. Even if you and your partner are able to reach an amicable agreement, our property settlement lawyers will make sure that you have followed the correct legal process and have the right documents in place to protect you.

Domestic partnerships

Even if you haven’t formally married, you may have rights over property, finances and any children if you and your partner decide to end your relationship. There are specific laws that govern domestic partnerships that you will need to understand to protect yourself, your family and your property.


Child custody arrangements

If you have children who are under 18 years of age you will need to put in place legal arrangements about your child custody arrangements. These may include how often you see your children and whether you or your partner have to make any child support payments.

You may also need to go to the Family Court of Australia if you can’t agree on your child support and visitation rights. Our family lawyers can represent you in Family Court if you need help obtaining custody of a child.

Binding financial arrangements

A binding financial arrangement is the Australian equivalent of a pre-nuptial agreement. It is a legally binding document that sets out how you will divide your assets if your marriage or de facto relationship ends. You can enter into a binding financial arrangement at any time in your relationship.


Our experienced family &
divorce solicitors can:

  • Help you understand how the process of legal separation and divorce works
  • Explain what your rights are when it comes to maintenance and property
  • Negotiate a financial settlement on your behalf
  • Negotiate a child custody arrangement on your behalf
  • Represent you in a family law litigation or custody dispute
  • Prepare any legal documents that are required
  • Negotiate your binding financial arrangement
  • Guide you on family court procedure