Criminal Law & Intervention Orders

Trancorp Lawyers - Criminal Law & Intervention Orders

Our criminal solicitors
can help

Getting on the wrong side of the law can be daunting, particularly if you don’t understand what your rights are or how the process work. Whether you’ve been charged with a traffic offence, a more serious offence or want to obtain an intervention order, our criminal solicitors can help you.

Traffic and DUI offences

While traffic and drinking under the influence (DUI) offences are quite common, they involve quite a complicated area of law. If you have been charged with any of these offences including the refusal to participate in a breath test, driving impaired or will under the influence of drugs, there are rules and procedures that must be followed. That’s why it’s important to have someone by your side who can make sure that the right criminal procedures have been followed.

Other criminal offences

If you have criminal charges for another offence you do have rights. While dealing with the police and lawyers may be a daunting experience, a criminal defence lawyer is there to help you navigate the law and the many rules that must be followed. The process of defending yourself can be long, so it’s important to get the right advice early on so that you can protect your rights.

Intervention Orders

There are several types of intervention orders and these are often known by different names including an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO order), Family Violence Intervention Order, Restraining Order, Personal Safety Intervention Order, Domestic Violence Intervention Order or an Intervention Violence Order (IVO).

Generally, they exist to protect people by preventing someone (either a family member or someone who is not related) from doing something towards them (like coming within a certain distance of them).

To make an intervention order application you must meet certain criminal law criteria and apply to the Magistrates Court.

If you have been found breaching an intervention order you may also need legal representation to appear in Court.

Our experienced criminal
defence lawyers can:

  • Help you understand your rights and options
  • Negotiate with the prosecution on your behalf
  • Develop a strategy for your defence
  • Attend police interviews with you
  • Represent you in criminal proceedings
  • Explain what penalties you may receive
  • Apply for bail for you
  • Getting an intervention order on your behalf
  • Explain what an intervention order means to you
  • Help you apply for intervention orders
  • Help you contest an application for an intervention order

We’re here
to help

Our expert team can help answer any questions you may have. Please contact us today.

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