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Wills and Estates

Estate planning or contesting a legal will can be a stressful and emotional experience. Our wills and probate lawyers understand how important it is to listen to what you need and find innovative solutions in challenging times. Whether you’re setting up a will, managing a deceased estate or contesting a will, we can help you.

Make a legal will

Your will should reflect your wishes and protect those that you care about when you pass away. Whether you need a simple will or a complicated will for a blended family, it’s important that the way your will is drafted reflects your wishes and is in line with the letter of the law.

Estate planning

Estate and succession planning involves protecting your assets and the people you love. While this may include making a will, estate protection can also involve structuring your assets differently or putting in place other legal documents like a Power of Attorney and Enduring Power of Attorney or a Health and Medical Directive.

Manage a deceased estate

If you have lost a loved one you may have to manage their estate. The process of managing a deceased estate and proving that their will is valid is called probate law and can sometimes be complicated, especially if their will is unclear or they have passed away without a will (called intestate).  That’s why it can be helpful to have someone who understands the process by your side.

Contesting or defending a will

When someone passes away their will may not be what you or another loved one expected, especially if you believe you’ve been unfairly left out. You may have the right to contest a will or be in a position where you have to defend it. This may involve attending mediation or even going to Court. The first step in the process of contesting or defending a will is to understand what your rights and options are.

Our wills and estate lawyers can:

  • Prepare your estate planning and will documents
  • Make sure your assets are structured in a way that protects your loved ones
  • Help you put in place succession plans for your business
  • Help you navigate the probate process
  • Represent you when contesting or defending a will

We're here to help

Our expert team can help answer any question you may have. Please contact us today.